Our BURBIDGE family immigrated from Bedfordshire, England in 1854. They were converts of the LDS Church and settled in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their descendants, for the most part, have remained in northern Utah. Business, law, law enforcement and government service have been a few of the common occupations of this family. Our 4Family Burbidge line begins with Joseph David BURBIDGE (1902-1966).
The earliest known, and proven, Burbidge of this line is James Burbidge of Bedford, Bedfordshire, England (abt 1724-1821). He married Anne Rhoades on 9 October 1808 in Bedford. Their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are just a very small part of their story, which hopefully will grow in the telling as we explore, share and celebrate this remarkable family.
Remembering April Birthdays

Remembering their birthdays4Family-History Birthdays Remembering April Birthdays Mary Ellen (Button) Gass and Charles W. Silver were both born in April. Mary Ellen was born 150 years ago this month and Charles W. Silver was born 185 years ago. From the … Continue reading →
Remembering our Irish Ancestors

St. Patrick’s Day is a day to celebrate the Irish in us all. In my family, it always means remembering our Irish ancestors. Sometimes with food, like my Mom’s corned beef and cabbage. Sometimes, it would be just a nod … Continue reading →
Happy Valentine’s Day From 1913

Over 100 years ago, Fanny Louise (Parry) Burbidge received these three Valentine Day cards from her husband, Joseph Edward and her two sons, Joseph David and Kenneth Parry. My maternal grandfather, Joseph David, was 11 and his brother, Ken, was … Continue reading →
Moiselle (Stoney) Burbidge, a page from her photo album, 1926

Moiselle’s Photo AlbumMoiselle (Stoney) Burbidge, a page from her photo album, 1926 Moiselle, my maternal grandmother, married Joseph David “Joe” Burbidge on 1 September 1927 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Is Moiselle is wearing a corsage on her coat? Are these … Continue reading →
Veteran’s Day Honor Roll

4Family Military ServiceVeteran’s Day Honor RollIn war or peace time. On the front lines and in supportive rolls. Thank You All For Your Service. Included are direct-line ancestors & their sons and/or gandsons as well as a few others, whom … Continue reading →
My DNA test results are in! Who am I?

Opening our DNA test results will forever anchor us to a specific time, place, and people. And this experience is being played out all across the U.S. You can tune into You Tube and watch videos of the curious reading … Continue reading →
Finding Zebulon Button, Jr. (1782-1836)

Sometime after May 17, 1836, Zebulon Button was buried in the Otisco Valley Cemetery (also called the Spafford Hollow Cemetery) of Onondaga County, New York. He was the husband of Olive and the father of 10 children. He owned land … Continue reading →
Hats Off to the Humphreys Family History

The Humphreys Family connect to our Burbidge line through the marriage of James William Burbidge and Sarah Jane Humphreys. For a better idea of how everyone is related follow this link. Today my Mom, who just recently found her copy … Continue reading →
The Courtship of Fanny Louise Parry

Burbidge-Parry MarriageThe Courtship of Fanny Louise Parry And the Bride Wore White Chiffon… Jury Duty Excused; Wedding Plans Proceed Burbidge-Parry Wedding Reception, an Invitation Burbidge-Parry Marriage LicenseOn 8 Sept 1897, 118 years ago, today, Joseph Edward Burbidge met his bride-to-be … Continue reading →
140 Years Ago Today, on 6 Sept 1875, Fanny (Parry) Burbidge Was Born!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Fanny! On this day, 6 Sept 1875, in Salt Lake City, Utah, David Roberts Parry and Charlotte Elizabeth Goulder gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Do you want to know how you’re related to Fanny. You can … Continue reading →