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1. Line #: 13
2. Name in full: Boruch Sorifman
3. Age years/months: 37/[checkmark]
4. Sex:[ditto marks under m]
5. Married or single:[ditto marks under m]
6. Calling or occupation: laborer
7. Able to - read/write: yes/yes
8. Nationality (country of last permanent residence):[ditto marks under Russia]
9. Race or people: [ditto marks] Hebrew
10. Last residence (province, city or town): [ditto marks]Soroki
11. Final destination (state, city or town): Boston, Mass
12. Whether having a ticket to such finaldestination?:[ditto marks, uncertain whether no or yes andhis column has an S handwritten in as do many others]
13. By whom was passage paid? [ditto marks] self
14. Whether in possession of $50 and if less how much? $1
15.Whether ever before in the US and if so when and where?1899-1903/ ~3 years/ Boston, Mass
16. Whether going to join a friend or relative and if sowhat relative or friend, and his name and complete address:cousin Hersch [or Hursch] Hirschberg/ Boston, Mass NorthStr 321/23
17. Ever in prison or instituion for.... [ditto marks] no
18. Whether a polygamist? [ditto marks] no
19. Whether an anarchist? [ditto marks] no
20. Condition of health mental and physical? [ditto marks]good
20. Deformed or crippled? [ditto marks]
Further Notes:
1. 2 other passengers @ line 11 and line 12 from Sorokigoing to NYC -- Schaje Saltzmann and Mates Kuperberg,neither in US before this entry
2. pertaining to 2 other markings made on the originalmanifest but after it was created; possibly during thecitizenship process:
1st marking--a line, which was drawn under the row fromthe column marked [37] to the column marked [Hebrew] andthe words US Citizen written over the initial wording
sc marking--at the end of the row for line 13 has beenwritten sworn before me from 1071 3/ [illegible]
The reliability of this source is questionable. The reasonsit might be our Sorofman is the closeness of the name toBarnet Sorofman, his age, and the fact that his destinationis Boston. There is no linkage to other known familymembers. Also his immigration date in the 1910 census doesnot match either of the dates of earlier immigration orthis year, 1904.
: Russian [crossed through with US citizen, written in diffferent hand], last residence:Soroki, final, destination: Boston, Mass, no ticket to [final, destination], will pay fo r ticket; has $1, [has ever been |