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dwelling 23, family 20
line 9 Stoney, Robert, 35, m, w, farmer, $200-value of realestste, $100-value of personal estate, born England
line 10--------, Sarah, 34, f, w, keeping house, bornEngland, par: foreign born
line 11--------, Sarah A., 10, f, w, at home, born England,par: foreign born
line12--------, Robert W., 9, m, w, at home, born Utah,par: foreign born
line 13--------, Charles, 6, m, w, at home, born Utah, par:foreign born
line 14--------, Augustus J., 4, m, w, born Utah, par:foreign born
line 15--------, Albert, 2, m, w, born Utah, par: foreignborn
line16--------, John H, 3 month, m, w, born Utah, born Feb,par: foreign born |